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The Ending Cancer in Our Generation Foundation |
Forum Rules
Welcome to the Ending Cancer in Our Generation Forum!
These forums have been created as an area to share ideas, thoughts, or comments with each other. You may discuss anything you wish here, but remember that hate speech towards anything but cancer is not allowed here at all. This can be a place to openly vent, or express yourself and how you feel. Again, , if you are easily offended or are under the age of 18 please find a more closed or age appropriate site. I want this to be open to everyone, but I can’t censor someone who is pissed that they have gotten this diagnosis, not everyone is like me and positive during treatment and that is not only allowed it should be encouraged at times. Nothing is worse than being told how to feel or what you can say. Please though if you have a topic that is more of an adult nature, please post “Adult-” in your forum subject. This will allow people who are under 18 or easily offended to just stay away from that one.
Here are the rules of the Forum in bulleted style
No hate speech (except when referring to cancer)
Please post “Adult-then your subject” if posting something that may be offensive to some readers
Never feel like you can’t talk about it, or it is taboo, because it is not, there is absolutely no censorship on this site other than the above subject marker addition
Don’t give out your contact/personal info to people you do not know (please be safe, unless they are all truthful members I won’t be able to tell you who they are for sure)
If you feel someone is harassing you, please let us know immediately
There is absolutely NO spam allowed on here, or blatant advertising that is not moderator approved. If you would like to post something you found helpful, just drop us a quick email and we will approve it. If I find posts of this nature, you will be BANNED, depending on the subject matter it may be immediately.
While trolling is fun, it is not appropriate on this site, so please keep it to where it is fun and appropriate, like the rest of the internets :-P
Please only post in English as we are not fluent in any other language (slightly closer in Japanese though!) and can only assume you are doing something bad if it is not in English, and broken English is fine ;-)
Please do not write in all caps. CAN YOU NOT TELL HOW ANNOYING THIS IS WHEN YOU ARE WRITING IT? I CANNOT IMAGINE BEING UNABLE TO TELL THAT THIS JUST MAKES YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS! So, please turn off the caps lock and talk like regular people. (on a side note I HATE internet/Text speak, so please for my sake, please, please, please, type out what you want to say, this is more of a personal preference than a rule :-P They made vowels and punctuation for a reason! )
Have fun, learn and express yourself. Try and see if there is a topic already posted before making a new topic. Thanks!
Currently our Forum Page is still under construction. Please bear with us as we roll out the forum and new complete site. This rule page will be the base for the forums in the future.